Call Today: 01904 624497
Or email on: [email protected]


Please send your artwork to us, in one of the following formats



Your artwork should be sent at a high resolution. The recommended resolution is of at least 300dpi. We want to ensure the best quality reproduction of your artwork so high resolution is important.



We ask that your artwork is supplied as CMYK rather than RGB colour format as this gives much better results when printing. If you have a specific colour you would like on your design let us know and we will see if we can match it.



If your logo includes text then we ask you to convert the text font into a path or curve which means you are coverting that text into an object so the text cannot be changed. Most software packages will give you an option of converting your text. If you are unable to do this let us know and we will do our best to help.



If you have any questions or have a problem with any of the artwork guidelines just give us a call or drop us an e-mail.